Tsou Ma Lai Leisure Farm
Tsou Ma Lai Leisure Farm

Located in the Danei District, Tainan City, lush green Tsou Ma Lai Farm covers 120 hectares of land and provides comprehensive services that are sure to amaze its guests.


Located in the Danei District, Tainan City, lush green Tsou Ma Lai Farm covers 120 hectares of land and provides comprehensive services that are sure to amaze its guests. More than 30 sports and leisure facilities are available in the farm, in addition to guest rooms, conference halls, camp sites, a performance center and a restaurant. This is a great place for children to take their outdoor educational trips, and for adults to appreciate nature and spend some leisurely time. Besides, the farm restaurant obtain Muslim Friendly Certificate, provide various halal food for muslim friends as well. If you feel like spending a relaxing holiday, visit the Tsou Ma Lai Farm.
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Pasture Noodle with Curry Beff

Tsou Ma Lai Farm mainly produce pasture, they used it to produce a healthy noodle and mix with juicy curry beef, become a delicious farm cuisine.


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No.60, Qiziwa, Danei District, Tainan City


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